FALL SPECIAL!!!! -- FREE DELIVERY ON ALL 6 Pack Combo’s in November -- FALL SPECIAL!!!!
Farmstead Cheese
Since 2005
Since 2005
Making cheese the traditional way is an art.
The Jisa family takes pride in providing the best tasting cheese, using top quality wholesome ingredients. The only milk made into our cheese comes straight from our own dairy. Our cheese is a Farmstead ALL NATURAL product. Stop by our storefront or your local grocery to taste the difference for yourself!

100% Fresh Daily
Our Cheese
In 1946, Lad Jisa started a dairy farm outside of Brainard, NE with a just a few Holsteins. The dairy now milks over 300 Holstein cows. Lad’s son Dave and grandsons David and John operate the dairy that provides the milk for Jisa Cheese.

Variety At Its Finest
Jisa Farmstead Cheese comes in a variety of cheese types and flavors, blocks or nuggets. All made with their own milk produced right there on the farm. Through a specialized feeding program developed at Jisa Dairy, Jisa’s milk and cheese carry an elevated level of Omega 3, a key element necessary for a healthy diet.

Some call it a curd, we call it a nugget, you’ll call it love at first bite.

When you need enough to go around…sorry for the pun.
Whole Milk Cheese
3rd Place California Garlic Pepper Nuggets,
2017 * Denver, Colorado.
Get yours now
Straight from the Farm
You can taste the difference
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